Indian Head Massage
What is Indian Head Massage?
Indian Head Massage or Champissage, is a traditional massage originating in India about 4,000 years ago. It was part of family life for week-old babies to very aged members of the family, and still is.
Indian Head Massage is a technique of manipulating soft tissues in the shoulders and scalp. The therapist uses a range of different massage pressures and rhythms to stimulate the head and neck area. A typical massage lasts about 20 minutes.
How May it Help Me?
Relaxation of muscles
Fibrous adhesions can be released (knots, nodules)
Toxins can be released from tense and knotted muscles
Neck and shoulder stiffness can be relieved
Improved circulation to provide brain and muscles with extra oxygen
Lymph flow stimulation
Joint mobility aided
Hair growth promoted
Helps relieve eye strain / ache, tinnitus, jaw ache, sinus congestion
Neck & Shoulder ache / stiffness
How will I feel after a treatment?
Possible effects immediately after a treatment
Extreme tiredness
Frequent urination
May feel calm and tranquil
May experience a slight headache
Skin may be red in places
May feel slightly light headed
May feel very emotional
Slightly depressed
Drink plenty of water
Keep to a light diet
Avoid alcohol for at least 24 hours
Indian Head Massage is not suitable if you have any of the following conditions:
Undiagnosed lumps or swelling of any kind
Contagious or acute infectious diseases
Known internal bleeding
Under the influence of alcohol or narcotics
Consult with your GP before an Indian Head Massage if:
You have acute inflammation of venous or lymphatic systems
Damaged areas, scars, bruises, or cuts
Any rare or unusual condition
Undiagnosed pain or ache, especially if acute
Unstable blood pressure
Flu type symptoms
Inflammatory conditions, e.g. arthritis
Sepsis or any skin condition affecting the scalp or target area.